Eric Johnson October 23, 2023 Negative Probability Eric Johnson October 23, 2023 Until a couple experiences significantly more positive interactions than negative, the spouse will assume negative intent. The mind will interpret most of the intentional negatives plus all the unintentional negatives as negative.
Eric Johnson January 30, 2023 How to train the body to respond to emotions Eric Johnson January 30, 2023 We can train our body to respond to an emotion in the same manner that we can train our body to respond to a phobia.
Eric Johnson December 28, 2022 How We Train Each Other Eric Johnson December 28, 2022 Our interactions train a response that trains our interactions.
Eric Johnson December 8, 2022 A Marriage of Survival Verses a Marriage of Love Eric Johnson December 8, 2022 A marriage can freely give love or it can fight over it.