Differing Emotional Ranges
Despite having genetic codes that only differ by .01 %, our bodies form very differently. Some people are short. Some people are tall. Some people have blue eyes. Some people are red heads. Some people are muscular. Some people are skinny.
The slight differences in physical formation results in large changes in behavior. Some people are short distance runners. Some people thrive on endurance treks. Some people prefer strength-based challenges. Some people enjoy academic stimulation. There are people can sing beautifully. There are those who wouldn’t recognize a tune.
People feel emotions differently. Some people feel a high range of emotions. They experience very high highs and very low lows. Some people live in variations of grey. The differences in emotional ranges are as variant as the differences in people’s hair color.
People have a tendency to compare themselves to others. They look at their body and compare it to others. The more people compare their bodies, the more dissatisfied they become. People who are dark skinned use skin bleach. People who are fair skinned go to tanning beds. Curly haired people use straighteners. Straight haired people use curlers.
People compare their own emotional ranges to that of others. They feel broken because they are not like others. People with low emotional ranges wish to feel the highs that they see in others. People with high emotional ranges wish to feel the emotional invariant that they see in others. The more people compare themselves, the less happy they are.
Makeup artists say that the key to putting on good makeup is to not change the appearance but to bring out the natural beauty that is already present. The key to managing your body is not to change it, but to learn how to use it.
Everyone’s body is a vehicle for their spirit. Just like every car drives differently, everybody performs differently. The key is to understand how your specific body operates, so you can maximize its performance.
High Emotional Ranges
People with high emotional ranges are very gifted. Like with all gifts, their gift is a double-edged sword. These types of people have an uncanny ability to read a room. They can sense what people are feeling. It is very easy for them to connect with others. The negative side is that it is easy for them to become self-conscious. Their self-awareness can turn negative if they are not careful.
This type of people can feel extremely happy, but they can feel extremely low as well. Their emotions are like a finely tuned machine. Like all finely tuned machines, when the tuning is perfect the performance is spectacular. When the tuning is even slightly off, the machine jams and breaks down. This type of people, require constant retuning and adjustment. To keep their emotions from going to haywire, they require constant self-care.
They are able to see and understand all of the social interactions around them all at the same time. They are really good at understanding underlying emotions. They are excellent at connecting systems and various thought processes. All of this awareness uses a lot of energy. Like a high-powered machine, their mind requires a lot of fuel. It is important for them to exercise, get adequate sleep, and eat healthy. Allowing their mind to disengage through meditation or other non-analyzing activities is very helpful.
Low Emotional Ranges
People with low emotional ranges often feel broken. They look at the emotions of others and realize that theirs is not the same. They can be really hard on themselves. They often hear negative comments from others about being surface level or non-expressive. They tend to have a history of not connecting well with others. They often worry that they are not giving their spouse the emotional support and connection that their spouse needs.
Sometimes low range people become jealous of others. They see that people are experiencing higher ranges of emotions than they do. They recognize that they don’t experience those ranges. This can lead to feelings of inadequacy.
If people’s range of emotions are very limited, it can become difficult for them to recognize changes in their emotions. They might erroneously assume that they are not experiencing variations in emotions. They may erroneously not differentiate their emotions and clump them together in groups of happy, sad, or mad. When ranges of emotions are limited, it can take an extra effort to differentiate between emotional states. Often the pay out of learning to differentiate between the states is seemingly less than the work involved in it. This can lead to the underdevelopment of the ability to differentiate.
On the positive side, people with a low range of emotions tend to think logically about problems. They are usually able to plan and execute long term goals. These people often have the uncanny ability to perform logical tasks that require exactness and precision. Another positive about them is their ability to not be swayed by emotions. This can come in handy when working in situations that are highly emotionally charged, but require logical thinking.