There are 365 days in a year. There are 12 months in a year. There are 52 weeks in a year. There are 262 working days in a year. This is great information that can be used when creating a goal.
If someone was wanting to be able to do 100 sit ups by the end of the year, that person would only need to do 2 sit ups the first week, 4 sit ups the second week, 8 sit ups the third week, and so on. If they add 2 sit ups to the list every week, they will be doing 100 sit ups by the end of the year.
If a person wants to write a novel, the person can write 1 page each workday and have a 262-page novel by the end of the year. It might not get published that year due to editing and publishing processes, but the rough draft will be complete.
If a person wants to sell 120 widgets in a year and the seller knows that it takes 50 cold calls to sell 1 widget, the seller could reach that goal with a little bit of math. The seller could divide 120 into 12 months and determine that 10 widgets need to be sold each month. It would take 500 cold calls a month to sell 10 widgets. If broken down into weeks, the seller would make a goal of making 100 cold calls a work week. This goal can be met by making 20 cold calls every workday.
If a person has a goal to connect with their wife or child, they will need to increase positive interaction. This can be done by adding a little bit of time before or after the day’s work. Thirty minutes a day is 182.5 hours of positive memories in a year. On the flip side, if a person wanted an estranged relationship that person could be unkind for 30 minutes a day and create 182.5 hours of bad memories a year.
Consequences occur accidently or purposefully. We will accidently become flabby and sickly if we do not care for our body. We will accidently become estranged if we do not care for our relationships. We will purposefully become healthy if we self-direct our efforts. What we cannot do is have a consequence free life.