The water gathered speed and strength as it cascaded down the gullies of the mountain. It was going to be a powerful force. The stream gathered in more water from the rocks and crevices as it careened down the mountain side gathering up speed. The water grew in size and majesty as it hurled itself from the top of the mountain. Trees and boulders were split into two and sent careening down the side of the cliff. The water, now a magnificent waterfall, challenged all that stood in its way. If anything tried to so much as touch the falls, the pressure of the falls would immediately pull it in with the might of its force. The will of the falls consumed all in its path.
The water on the other side of the mountain filtered down into the ground. Sticks and leaves stuck onto the rocks, as the water seeped through the crevices and into the underground streams. Passing through the sediment of the earth, the water let go of more impurities. The water cooled as it dipped below the earth’s surface, below the heat of the sun. Deep under the earth the water ran down underground streams until it resurfaced at the valley below. The water bubbled up from the rocks forming a fresh water spring, free from impurities. The water helped sustain the life of all who drank from it.