Eric Christian Johnson, PhD, LPC, LMFT

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Premack Principle

When choosing a reinforcer, it is helpful to use the Premack principle. To do this, look for a reinforcer that the child already seeks. If the child craves attention, use attention as the reinforcer. If the child craves video games, use video game time. If the child craves sugary snack, use a treat.

Poor Example:

Jakob wanted his son to do his chores and school work, as soon as he came home from school. His son did not do this. Instead, he played video games when he got home from school. He did not do his chores or homework until his father yelled at him later that night. His father created a reward system to help motivate his son to prioritize work over games. He offered his son a small toy from the dollar store, if he did his chores and school work before playing video games. His son thought that the immediate reward of playing video games was much more enticing than the delayed reward of the toy. He continued his pattern of playing games before doing his work.

Good Example:

Jakob decided that it since his son already craves video games, video games would naturally be an enticing reinforcer. Jakob took the plug out of the video game console. He told his son that if he did his chores and school work he could earn the plug to the video game console. His son was very motivated to play video games. His son did his school work and chores as soon as he came home, so that he could earn the plug to his console.